Concerning His Book, God says "Study to show yourselves approved..." Or, as another translation puts it, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15).
This suggests 'exploring' or really digging in, at least now and then. There are profitable times when we just read and absorb the obvious meanings lying on the surface of any passage. But of greater value are those other times we spend really putting our thinking caps on and, with Bible study tools at hand, delve into the depths of the Bible's bottomless truths.
When it comes to daily reading of the Word, it is too true that 'hit-and-run' Bible reading easily becomes 'hit-and-miss.' And when we miss more than we hit, our souls become famished.
And here is another thought: it is good to remember there is more to Christian growth and maturity than merely knowing what the Bible says; nobody is ever nourished by memorizing menus. Hence the value of study, exploration, meditation and asking the Holy Spirit to be our Supreme teacher. And, hereby we profitably take in the milk and meat of God's Word.
The hymn writer got it right: "Take time to be holy, speak oft with thy Lord; Abide in Him always and feed on His Word."
- dick christen