The woman who says to her male partner, "I don't like what your heart is saying; I want to hear what your gut is saying," is really on a desperate search to know where her guy is really at. With this in mind, think with me: In order for any Christian to 'know where it's at' pertaining to the entire spectrum of life he or she must be in sync with God in a continual abiding fellowship. And so, being often, intimately and obediently (John 15) with God, the real question becomes: WHAT DOES GOD SAY? FROM THE BOTTOM OF HIS HEART, WHAT IS GOD THINKING? Surely He really wants His own to 'know where it's at.'
Often we say, the Bible has an answer for any of life's questions. And, although it is not a textbook for any specific area of study, it does possess principles and directives applicable for any discipline or situation in life
2 Timothy 3:16 declares: "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work."
Note: "All Scripture" equips the student thereof "for every good work."
But, not only must the believer read, study and gain a head knowledge of the Bible, he or she must tuck it in the heart and then ask God to help him translate it into life. It is meant to be lived out. And we do this loving God but also fearing Him. This is not a fear causing us to run from Him but a fear that is exercised searching for God and then submitting to Him. He alone is God and will prevail.
Read about this search in Proverbs 2. The 'search' described in this chapter is set forth in words of intense pursuit: "RECEIVE... TREASURE... MAKE YOUR EAR ATTENTIVE... INCLINE YOUR HEART... CRY FOR... LIFT YOUR VOICE FOR... AND SEEK FOR."
This search leads to God. He speaks. I hear His voice. He puts all He wants us to know in writing. I hear him through His written word, the Bible. Every act of compliance is an act of righteousness. The sum total of all my righteous acts is holiness. This process is set forth in Romans 6: 11-14 under major concepts of RECKON (v 11), REFUSE (vv 12-13a) and RENDER (vv 13b-14).
This process sounds complicated but it is not. Isaiah 66:2b sums it up so very clearly: "But to this one I will look, to him who is humble and contrite of spirit, and who trembles at My word."
And, believe me - just one gem from this ocean of truth, the Bible, is of far greater worth than all the pebbles of mere men's writings.
dick christen