SOCIAL MEDIA was designed, in part, to promote 'people connecting with people' with the view to warmer friendships. Emerson gave us the line: "The only way to have a friend is to be one."

And while quick emails, FaceBook, Instagram and other such media  have succeeded in renewing friendships, doesn't an impersonal element remain? It seems that nothing can truly replace face-to-face comradery.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Aardvark who?
Aardvark a million miles for one of your smiles.

A Dr. Joseph D. Matarazzo was at one time the head of the medical psychology department at the University of Oregon. He once said, "More psychotherapy is accomplished between good friends at coffee every morning at ten o'clock than all day long in doctors' offices. A good talk with a close friend can solve problems, or at least put them in perspective, before they become overpowering. One of the problems we face today is the scarcity of good friends."

Nothing is more stimulating than good friends who speak the truth in love. 

dick christen