POOR ZIGGY! Nothing ever seems 'right on the money' for him. Troubles, troubles, troubles! He must be a perfectionist. A perfectionist is someone who takes great pains and gives them to others. At least, that's the way I define it. Nothing ever seems good enough.

It is important in life to find the balance between idealism and realism. The fact is, we don't live in a perfect world. This is hard for a perfectionist to come to grips with. But he must if he is going to happily live with himself let alone others. Shakespeare said, "Striving to better, oft we mar what's well." Ziggy, think about it! What difference does the order of those scoops of ice cream matter? Just eat and enjoy! Stop fussing!

The Bible realistically puts it this way: "Do not be excessively righteous and do not be overly wise. Why should you ruin yourself? (Ecc. 7:16). Strange anomaly: A perfectionist can cause "ruin" to himself (stress, tension, etc.), to others, to a marriage, a church, etc. etc. A perfectionist causing imperfection? I guess what we laugh at about Ziggy is not always a laughing matter.

dick christen