We’ve certainly come a long way from the days when, if a hemline was raised, so were eyebrows.

Thirty years ago my mother would cringe if dancing appeared on TV, because, as she was prone to say, “it’s lewd.” And, immediately the boob tube (no pun intended) was shut off. Imagine the heart-wrenching shock she’d suffer witnessing today’s dancing on TV. And what sharp exclamation might she blurt out? Probably more than just “lewd.” She’d probably throw in the Biblical term “lascivious”, much to the puzzlement of nearby hearers. The dictionary says it means: inclined to lustfulness, wanton, lewd (there that word is again), arousing sexual desires, etc.

I just want to ask this: Why do decent and sincere Christian girls not understand the Bible (God’s Word) when it says so clearly:

“Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness. A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness” (1 Timothy 2:9-11). 

When they easily dismiss such a passage, are they more sensitive to the fashion dictators of this world than to God? Are they more concerned with appearance before men than how God Himself would grade them? Do they not understand ‘sin’ and how easily any normal man is ‘turned on’ and led down into the muck and mire of lust? Yes, the man himself has the serious responsibility of controlling himself, but isn't he worthy of some due consideration and help? That male libido is pretty hard to control. 

Just because the ‘cleavage’ thing is ‘in’ is that reason enough to dispense with modesty and discreetness? Oh, a gal can't find conservative outfits? Sorry, modest apparel is 'out there' and purchaseable. It may take longer to find but isn't the  welfare of God's Kingdom worth it?

At the point of purchase, a big decision looms: God is watching (His eyes are "in every place beholding the evil and the good") and will this outfit please God (is this my chief concern?) or am I really ardently hoping to catch the eye of ‘that guy’. At such a moment the woman has to choose between pleasing God or man! It’s that simple. And, will I walk by faith or by sight? And may I add, there are men out there (probably the better ones) who still value decency and the sacredness of the female body. 

Uh, read again the text above remembering it is God’s Word, He’s the one concerned enough about the issue to talk about it!

(By the way the  word "adorn"  in the above text is traceable to the Greek 'kosmos' which means 'world'. A woman's world (her reason for existence or too frequent place of occupancy) should not be mere fashion or places that specialize in such. Nothing wrong with a nice hair style, a little bit of jewelry and reasonably priced apparel. And, who can find fault with 'make-up'? If the barn needs painting, paint it! Sin has too noticeably taken its toll in the average appearance of most of us. We need help, all that's available. But, when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, looking full in His wonderful face, the things of earth will grow strangely in the light of His glory and grace. A glowing vital faith most certainly will cool the fervent ardor of passing fashion.) 
