Indeed, life here on planet earth is quite harrowing. However, in this world of sleep-depriving news (how much worse can it get?), there is the LIFE-GIVING GOOD NEWS OF THE GOSPEL OF THE LORD JESUS CHRIST! In fact, the very word 'gospel' means GOOD NEWS. A chorus we sang as kids put it this way:

I have good news for you
   and best of it all it's true;
I've read in a Book there's life for a look
   and Jesus will make you anew.
I have good news for you,
   I have good news for you;
No matter your station you may have salvation,
   I have good news for you.

   The world's depressing news is merely a reflection of man himself. We are incorrigible sinners desperately in need of a Rescuer. Augustus Strong remarked, "Man is a double-dyed villain. He is corrupted by nature and afterwards by practice." True! But the Bible announces the only solution, a Rescuer named Jesus Christ.  It says: "But when they believed Philip preaching THE GOOD NEWS about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were being baptized, men and women alike" (Acts 8:12). THIS good news gives meaningfulness to life now, and eternal life after death. Hallelujah! Plus, it can go a long way in giving a good night of sleep. It's great having settled the question: where will I spend my "forever"? "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved." Do read Romans 10:8-13.

-dick christen